Exhausted and yet still ready to give us a hand against Radahn for the 20th time in a row xD.
Nice drawing, he looks bad ass !
Exhausted and yet still ready to give us a hand against Radahn for the 20th time in a row xD.
Nice drawing, he looks bad ass !
thank you very much
Microsoft really did our boy dirty xD.
Nice drawing, I had a good laugh.
Thanks :D
Ruh Roh Shaggy !
I like the idea of using sharp line on every detail. The end result looks great.
Nice work.
Red is sus.
Nice art !
Mario Party changed a lot since the last time I played it xD.
Clean and simple, I love it !
Also I like how you draw her hair. The multiple fine lines really give the illusion of volume.
Nice work.
Thank you kindly! I really like drawing hair.
Nice fan art. It's great to see some love for Eddswolrd after all these years.
Oh ... I wasn't expecting that from the thumbnail hahahahha.
Nice work, it was funny :)
Would definitely make a great area to fight a boss in a Metrovenia or a Dark Soul type of game. Nice work !
Man, it looks so great. It's really impressive how you used shadows and lights to create all the complex detail of a human face.
Thanks! Since I studied values and shapes, it really bercame wway more clear how to do this kind of painting, and I'm hooked!
Nothing special to say. I just wanted to learn how to draw for fun :)
Joined on 5/30/12